Update - Victorian Restrictions
Following on from Monday's announcements that Melbourne will move to Stage 4 restrictions and regional Victo...
Victorian Restrictions
Yesterday the Premier announced a State of Disaster for Victoria commencing at 6pm. Melbourne has also moved to ...
Changes to dental restrictions in Victoria
The recent surge in Coronavirus infections in Victoria has seen the implementation of a six-week stay at home or...
AHPPC rolls dentistry back to Level 1 restrictions
Along with the Prime Minister's announcements for the general public and business on Friday, the Australian ...
Invitation to comment: Sterilisation and Substantial changes
Invitation to comment: Sterilisation and Substantial changes The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is req...
Invitation to comment: Scope of regulated software-based products
Invitation to comment: Scope of regulated software-based products The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) i...

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