ADIA CEO Update: June 2024 Advocacy Update

ADIA CEO Update: June 2024 Advocacy Update

Posted on 20 June 2024
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ADIA continues to collaborate with key stakeholders and advocate strongly on behalf of our members to maintain a business and regulatory environment that allows your businesses to grow and operate sustainably.

We also actively advocate for improvements in community oral health, especially for vulnerable groups who face barriers to access for oral health care including children from low socio-economic backgrounds and older Australians.

Here is a snapshot of some of our recent advocacy activities.

Payroll Tax

Recent changes to the interpretation of state and territory payroll tax law means that independent contractor dentists working under a service facility agreement may be deemed employees. This has led to a great deal of uncertainty around retrospective liability for practice operators, including some of our affiliate members.

This week, I met with political strategists from Anacta, a public affairs firm who are actively mounting a campaign to address this issue with state and territory Governments. I will keep you informed of developments in this area.


Changes to the regulation of exempt medical devices and exempt other therapeutic goods have been proposed by the TGA. These changes have the potential to increase regulatory red tape and costs for these types of products. We made a submission outlining the potential impact of this proposal on the costs of dental equipment, products and services. Read our submission here.

ADIA has also partnered with Medicines Australia on a joint letter signed by MTAA, Aus Biotech and other associations to the Hon Mark Butler, Minister for Health and Aged Care regarding TGA cost recovery from industry for infra-structure development. In other departments, the Government rightly supports this type of development as capital expenditure investment.

Parliamentary Friends of the Dental Industry

AIDA took dental technology to Parliament House this month! Showcasing how the latest innovative dental equipment can be used to break down barriers to access for oral health services especially in aged care and rural and remote settings. Amongst the 30 interested parliamentarians and advisors were The Speaker of the House, the Hon Milton Dick MP, Senator Wendy Askew, Ms Zali Steggall OAM MP, Dr Mike Freelander MP and Dr David Gillespie MP. All were amazed at the way the technology could be used to facilitate reforms in oral healthcare and several posted on their social media accounts. Initiatives like this build strong relationships with our parliamentary colleagues and open the door for continued dialogue on reform and to discuss any future issues that may arise. 

If you would like any more information or have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to do so by email.


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