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ADIA congratulates Senators of the Inquiry into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia

Posted by ADIA on 1 December 2023
ADIA congratulates Senators of the Inquiry into the Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia

We asked them and they listened!
During the consultation period for the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Dental Services in Australia, an alliance of 14 peak oral health organisations initiated by ADIA sent an Open Letter to Senate Committee Chair, Senator Jordon Steele-John, urging the Committee to make a recommendation for the Appointment of a Commonwealth Chief Oral Health Officer. The Commonwealth Chief Oral Health Officer’s role would be to drive a coordinated national approach to Australia’s Oral Health via a new roadmap for the provision of and access to Dental Services. ADIA is pleased to report this request has been heard and the appointment of a Chief Dental and Oral Health Officer appears in Recommendations 4 and 33 in the Final Report1 released yesterday.

Pictured L-R: Ms Stephanie Wells (ADIA), Senator Fatima Payman (Deputy Chair), Senator Jordon Steele-John (Chair), Dr Sarah Raphael (ADIA)

This appointment is pivotal to the success of all the other key recommendations that have been put in place to address the desperately needed improvements in oral health in Australia.
The latest release of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare data on Oral Health2 last week, confirms that cost continues to be a barrier to access for oral healthcare for many Australians. This leads on to the shocking statistics that show that approximately 80,000 people living in Australia undergo hospitalisation for dental conditions each year that could have largely been prevented with regular, comprehensive preventive oral healthcare. This rate of potentially preventable hospitalisation for dental conditions is highest amongst children 5-9 years of age and is more than one-third higher for Indigenous Australians compared to Non-Indigenous Australians. With less than half of all Australians aged 15 years and over visiting a dental professional in the last 12 months, it is no wonder that Australia finds itself in a poor state of oral health!
This inquiry has once again shone a light on what we need to do to turn this around. With oral health a critical component of overall health and wellbeing, we now have solid recommendations to work towards. By improving the oral health of our nation, benefits to overall health such as lowered risk of heart disease and diabetes will result.  In addition, improved oral health allows everyday Australians to smile with confidence and be free of oral pain and discomfort.
The Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) is the peak body representing the suppliers and manufacturers of products, equipment and services to Australia’s oral health practitioners. ADIA’s vision is for an industry that empowers oral health professionals to advance the health and wellbeing of all Australians. Our members provide the latest products and technology to the oral health profession to enable wider access to oral healthcare, especially in rural and remote populations, aged care and disability settings.
The ADIA wishes to thank Senators Jordon Steele-John, Fatima Payman, Ross Cadell, Wendy Askew and Marielle Smith for their important work towards improvements in oral health for all Australians. We hope the Australian Government listens to the crucial recommendations and agrees to work with the Oral Health profession to make equitable access to oral health for all Australians a reality.
For media enquiries, please contact or phone Dr Sarah Raphael on 0412 918 848.


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ADIA Announces New Partnership with AUP IT

Posted on 1 September 2023
ADIA Announces New Partnership with AUP IT

ADIA partners with AUP IT to support members in keeping their business safe

Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with cyber security company, AUP IT.

AUP IT is a professional services and consulting organisation with a ‘Strategy first, Technology next’ approach to helping businesses solve complex and vexing tech issues. Their services range from providing businesses with part-time CIOs who actively work with stakeholders in driving value and progressing digital transformation initiatives and cybersecurity through to automating repetitive work. AUP IT provides vulnerability assessments, Security Operations Centre (SOC) facilities, and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) among other services.

Through this partnership, ADIA will assist its members to reduce their risk of data breach and strengthen their cyber resiliency through end-to-end IT managed services solutions priced exclusively for ADIA members. AUP IT CEO Raja Pradeep said, “AUP IT has extensive experience in the dental and medical industries with a deep understanding of the business drivers impacting the industry. As ADIA is the peak body representing manufacturers and suppliers of innovative dental products, we were excited to be able to work with them to safeguard the dental industry.”

“The dental industry, much like other industries that fall under the healthcare banner, is heavily regulated regarding Cyber Security and Data Protection. You can never be too careful when it comes to the protection of your critical data, people, and infrastructure. We are excited to be able to assist ADIA members in safeguarding their IT systems, identify areas of weakness and suggest potential IT solutions to mitigate risks both current and as they arise,” Mr Pradeep said.

ADIA CEO Kym de Britt looks forward to the new partnership enhancing the security of members’ IT systems. “I am delighted to announce ADIA has entered a new partnership with cyber security company, AUP IT. Recent high profile data breaches have highlighted the need for secure IT systems, and we look forward to being able to support our members’ cyber security needs with this partnership. ADIA recently carried out a vulnerability scan with AUP IT, the results of which were extremely insightful and demonstrated that this is a worthwhile exercise for any small business to undertake.”

For more information on this partnership, please contact ADIA Head Office on 1300 943 094.

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Boost your career at Leading with Vision

Posted on 16 June 2023
Boost your career at Leading with Vision

Featuring a three-time Olympian, one of Australia’s biggest business names and the consultant that Oprah calls on, Leading with Vision is the place to be to learn about resilience and branding and gain market insight.

The 2023 Leading with Vision conference will be held this October in Gold Coast, bringing together leaders from across the country in sales, training and culture. ADIA is running the conference in partnership with Assistive Technology Suppliers Australia (ATSA).

Leading with Vision, the first ADIA conference  since 2018, represents a significant opportunity for dental industry professionals to gain fresh insights, connect with industry leaders, elevate their businesses and strengthen their teams.

Particularly of note is the conference’s strong lineup of some of Australia’s leading speakers, including Wizard Home Loans founder Mark Bouris AM, triple Olympian Lisa Curry, and other leaders in sales, training and culture.

Along with the main program, delegates can head to the Gold Coast a day early to participate in expert masterclasses, featuring The Sales Doctor, Ingrid Maynard, and Karen Eck of eckfactor. Ms Maynard, who has spent more than 25 years guiding Australian organisations to improve their sales performance, is presenting on discovering what customers value in you. Ms Eck, a publicist for a range of world-class names, including Oprah Winfrey, National Geographic and CNN, is presenting on building your professional brand for career success using the power of visibility.

Leading with Vision also includes a number of social networking events, including a Welcome Reception on Sunday evening and a Networking Dinner on Monday night.

Registration for Leading with Vision is now open. An early bird discount applies until 31 July of $200 off per registrant. Find out more and register today.

Leading with Vision
Sunday 8 – Tuesday 10 October 2023
RACV Royal Pines, Gold Coast

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ADIA Announces New Partnership with AUDIENCED

Posted on 19 May 2023
ADIA Announces New Partnership with AUDIENCED

Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with media production company, AUDIENCED.

AUDIENCED understands the importance of balancing news, awareness and education for a qualified and discerning audience. Through this partnership, ADIA will deliver high-quality video content to drive better member advocacy and communication.

Hardeep Girn, Executive Producer and Director at AUDIENCED said, "AUDIENCED approached ADIA, recognising it as the peak body representing manufacturers and suppliers of innovative dental products. ADIA immediately saw the opportunity to produce engaging filmed content, to support advocacy and reach dental stakeholders, health policy makers and the broader community.

"The dental industry's impact on Australian oral health and broader health outcomes, deserves a platform that shows its progress and full potential. AUDIENCED looks forward to putting a lens on the people involved, through its online health shows and production support for the industry." Mr Girn said.

ADIA CEO Kym De Britt also looks forward to the new partnership enhancing the association’s ability to highlight the great work of members in the industry. ""I am delighted to announce ADIA has entered into a new partnership with film production company, AUDIENCED. This is a fantastic opportunity for the Association to not only deliver high quality educational content, but also showcase our members who are doing great things in the industry. I encourage you to keep your eye out for videos produced by AUDIENCED on our social media and website." Mr De Britt said.

For more information on this partnership, please contact ADIA Head Office on 1300 943 094.

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