COVID-19 Updates
NEW! State by State COVID-19 Government support packages
Information about the COVID-19 Disaster Payment can be found via the Prime Minister’s Media Release and on the Services Australia website.Backing business investment - accelerated depreciation
Eligible businesses, for the 2019/20 and 2020/21 income years, may be able to deduct the cost of new depreciating assets at an accelerated rate using the backing business investment - accelerated depreciation rules. NEW SOUTH WALESSupport for small to medium businesses (including sole traders) and small non-profits.For businesses or organisations with annual turnover of more than $75,000 for which revenue has declined by 30% or more due to the lockdown.NEW! Freedoms for fully vaccinated peopleNSW will start to reopen once it reaches its 70% double vaccination target.NEW! COVID-19 vaccinations business support productsBusiness NSW continues to advocate for businesses in the evolving COVID-19 situation. Find all the information and resources you and your employees need to stay informed on available, approved COVID-19 vaccinations. Support availableNEW! Extension of JobSaver - 2 October 2021From 10 September, eligible businesses / NFPs need to log into the Business Profile of MyServiceNSW each fortnight to reaffirm the minimum turnover decline and employee headcount maintained for payment to continue.Eligible businesses with a turnover between $75,000 and $250 million that continue to experience a minimum 30% decline in turnover due to the Public Health Order will be eligible for payments of up to 40% of their pre-COVID weekly NSW payroll.JobSaverPayments of 40% of pre-COVID NSW weekly payroll, from $1,500 to $100,000 per week (paid fortnightly); $1,000 weekly for non-employing business. Available from 18 July 2021.NEW! Extension of the 2021 COVID-19 Business Grants - 1 October 2021Ongoing support via JobSaver is available for businesses that experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more or had to close due to the Public Health Order, in the restriction period 26 June 2021 - 17 July 2021.NEW! Test and Isolate payment - eligibility extendedFrom 9 September, a one-off support payment of $320 is available to eligible workers who live in NSW and are required to test and isolate immediately. Before 9 September, the support was only available to workers from an area of concern. The payment is designed to avoid potential transmission of the virus through workplaces when people do not get tested as soon as they are required or fail to follow the isolations rules. Read the guidelines including eligibility criteria here.Payroll tax supportProvides a 25% reduction in FY22 payroll tax for eligible businesses; Payroll tax payments deferred until 7 October 2021 for all businesses; and Interest free 12-month repayment plans for deferred payroll tax. Availability is based on the full lockdown period.NEW! Payroll tax deferrals and waiversBusinesses eligible for a 2021 COVID-19 Business Grant or JobSaver with payrolls $10 million or less will be eligible for a 50% reduction (waiver) in their 2021-22 payroll tax, up from 25%.All businesses will also be able to further defer payroll tax payments due from July 2021 through to December 2021. The payments will now be due on 14 January 2022, and 12-month interest-free repayment plans will become available. NEW! Support for commercial, retail, and residential landlordsEligible commercial and retail landlords that provide rental waivers to COVID-19 impacted tenants and have not claimed land tax relief, will be eligible for a monthly grant of up to $3,000.Eligible residential landlords can choose between applying for land tax relief or a further payment of $1,500, taking total assistance to a maximum of $4,500 per tenancy if they agree to reduce the rent for COVID-19 impacted tenants by at least $4,500.NEW! Commercial tenancy protectionLandlords may not be able to take action such as eviction, if the impacted tenant breaches a retail or commercial lease due to the impacts of COVID-19. Tenants and landlords must once again renegotiate the terms of the lease, including rent. The period of protection has been extended to 13 January 2022.Support with tenancyLandlords can’t evict impacted retail or commercial tenancies without mediation. Provides land tax relief for landlords who reduce the rent for impacted tenants up to 100% of their 2021 land tax liability. These protections will last for the whole lockdown. Compare the available COVID-19 business grants and payments to determine which support best fits your business needs, here. Support for micro-businesses (including sole traders) and small non-profitsTo be eligible your business or organisation must have a turnover between $30,000 and $75,000 per year, and your revenue has declined by 30% or more. Support availableNEW! Extension of COVID-19 Micro-business Grant - 2 October 2021From the week commencing 13 September, eligible businesses need to log into the Business Profile of MyServiceNSW each fortnight to reaffirm the minimum turnover decline and employee headcount maintained for payment to continue.Eligible businesses with a turnover of more than $30,000 and less than $75,000 that continue to experience a minimum 30% decline in turnover due to the Public Health Order will be eligible for a fortnightly payment of $1,500.Support with tenancyLandlords can’t evict impacted retail or commercial tenancies without mediation. Provides land tax relief for landlords who reduce the rent for impacted tenants up to 100% of their 2021 land tax liability. These protections will last for the whole lockdown. Other support and paymentsNEW! Click for more information on the 2021 COVID-19 Support PackageNEW! Support for individuals impacted by the current COVID-19 restrictions and stay-at-home orders is also available through Services Australia.NEW! Find out about help for small business including requesting a call from a Business Concierge. The COVID-19 Safety plan is required to keep your business on track with compliance, and if relevant, take a look at the Jobs Plus program.NEW! General support is also available including telephone with translated services.NEW! Keep up to date with NSW government COVID-19 updates.NEW! For mental health and wellbeing refer to the recommended resources and organisations for support. VICTORIAA $367 million package announced by the Commonwealth and Victorian governments on Thursday 12 August is set to provide financial assistance to many businesses in Victoria.Support availableCOVID-19 Disaster Payment - applications openEligible workers and individuals who run sole-trader businesses who lose work and do not qualify for Victorian government support programs may receive:$450 - people who have lost between eight and up to 20 hours of work or a full day of work (over seven days)$750 - people who have lost 20 hours or more of work.Small Business COVID Hardship FundTo help businesses that have not qualified for existing support programs and have experienced a reduction in revenue by at least 70%. Businesses that are legally allowed to operate but have been unable to generate revenue due to restrictions.NEW! Business Costs Assistance Program - automatic paymentBusinesses in metropolitan Melbourne who previously received or are approved to receive the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two or Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two July Extension grant, will automatically receive payments. $2,800 a week for businesses with an annual payroll below $650,000$5,600 a week for businesses with an annual payroll between $650,000 and less than $3 million$8,400 for businesses with an annual payroll of $3 million to $10 million. The program aims to allow businesses across multiple sectors to continue paying overheads and other costs despite impacts on revenue.Business Costs Assistance Program Round TwoThe Victorian Government launched a round of grants for eligible small to medium businesses, including employing and non-employing businesses impacted by May-June 2021 restrictions in Victoria.Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two - July ExtensionThe Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two July Extension provides eligible businesses that had not previously applied for the Program in June, or have since become eligible, with the opportunity to apply for $4800 in support.NEW! Business Costs Assistance Program Round Three - 12 August 2021 Top-Up for metropolitan MelbourneAdditional payment for businesses based in metropolitan Melbourne that were recipients of the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two or the Business Costs Assistance Program Roun...
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COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplace
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's (ACCI) Workplace Relations and WH&S team have prepared a comprehensive guide for employers on COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplace.
The guide is designed to answer questions about the vaccine roll-out and mandating the vaccine in the workplace.
ACCI's new guide, COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplace - Edition 1 sets out how employers can participate in the vaccine roll-out and how to navigate issues related to vaccinations that may arise in the workplace, including the mandating of vaccines.
The following topics are covered in detail:
- Communicating with employees about the COVID-19 vaccine, including tips, information and downloadable employer resources;
- Assisting employees to get vaccinated, including guidance around promotions and giveaways as well as details around any potential liabilities employers may be exposed to when encouraging, promoting or mandating the vaccine in the workplace;
- Employment and work health and safety law vaccine workplace considerations, including details around implementing a COVID-19 vaccination policy, general workplace relations issues that may arise in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations, the COVID-19 vaccinations in the workplace and dealing with workplace disputes regarding COVID-19 vaccinations;
- Vaccines and privacy law, including how employers can sight, collect, use and disclose information about an employee vaccination status in line with Privacy Act obligations; and
- Work health and safety, including ongoing obligations and steps employers can take to reduce the risks related to COVID-19 in the workplace.
The COVID-19 Vaccinations and the Workplace Guide is a working document and will be updated, with new editions, as new information comes to light and legal determinations are made.
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COVID-19 restrictions increased in NSW
The NSW Government has extended the current lockdown in Greater Sydney until the end of September and introduced new rules targeting the 12 local government areas (LGAs) of concern.
Areas of concern include: Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Campbelltown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Liverpool, Parramatta, Penrith and Strathfield.
Additional rules for the LGAs of concern from today, Monday, 23 August, 2021.
Curfews will be introduced from 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM (except for authorised workers, emergencies, or medical care).
New restrictions around workplaces and authorised workers from the LGAs of concern will be introduced:
- Authorised workers who work outside their LGA of concern are only permitted to work if rapid antigen testing is implemented at their work-site or they have had their first vaccination dose by 30 August.
- From Saturday, 28 August, authorised workers from the LGAs of concern are required to carry a permit from Service NSW declaring that they are an authorised worker and cannot work from home.
- From Saturday, 28 August, anyone entering an LGA of concern for the purposes of work must carry a worker permit issued by Service NSW.
Additional measure for Greater Sydney and regional NSW
From Monday, 23 August, mask wearing will be mandatory when outside your home, except when exercising for Greater Sydney (including regional NSW until 28 August).
Further information about the new measures can be found on the Business Australia website.
Posted in:Industry NewsCEO UpdatesCovid News |
State by State COVID-19 business benefits
Information about the COVID-19 Disaster Payment can be found via the Prime Minister’s Media Release and on the Services Australia website.
Backing business investment - accelerated depreciation
Eligible businesses, for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 income years, may be able to deduct the cost of new depreciating assets at an accelerated rate using the backing business investment - accelerated depreciation rules. NEW SOUTH WALESSupport for small to medium businesses (including sole traders) and small non-profits.For businesses or organisations with annual turnover of more than $75,000 for which revenue has declined by 30% or more due to the lockdown. Support available2021 COVID-19 Business GrantsOne-off grant of $7,500 to $15,000 depending on your business’ s revenue decline, which is payable for the first three weeks of the lockdown.JobSaverPayments of 40% of pre-COVID NSW weekly payroll, from $1,500 to $100,000 per week (paid fortnightly); $1,000 weekly for non-employing business. Available from 18 July 2021.Payroll tax supportProvides a 25% reduction in FY22 payroll tax for eligible businesses; Payroll tax payments deferred until 7 October 2021 for all businesses; and Interest free 12-month repayment plans for deferred payroll tax. Availability is based on the full lockdown period.Support with tenancyLandlords can’t evict impacted retail or commercial tenancies without mediation. Provides land tax relief for landlords who reduce the rent for impacted tenants up to 100% of their 2021 land tax liability. These protections will last for the whole lockdown.Compare the available COVID-19 business grants and payments to determine which support best fits your business needs, here. Support for micro-businesses (including sole traders) and small non-profitsTo be eligible your business or organisation must have a turnover between $30,000 and $75,000 per year, and your revenue has declined by 30% or more. Support available2021 COVID-19 Micro Business GrantsFortnightly grant of $1,500 From the start of the lockdown. If you are a sole trader, you are not eligible for BOTH the 2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant and the 2021 COVID-19 Disaster Payment. You also cannot receive both the 2021 Micro-Business Grant and the Commonwealth Disaster Payment.Support with tenancyLandlords can’t evict impacted retail or commercial tenancies without mediation. Provides land tax relief for landlords who reduce the rent for impacted tenants up to 100% of their 2021 land tax liability. These protections will last for the whole lockdown. VICTORIAA $367 million package announced by the Commonwealth and Victorian governments on Thursday 12 August is set to provide financial assistance to many businesses in Victoria. Support availableSmall Business COVID Hardship FundTo help businesses that have not qualified for existing support programs and have experienced a reduction in revenue by at least 70%. Businesses that are legally allowed to operate but have been unable to generate revenue due to restrictions.Business Costs Assistance Program Round TwoThe Victorian Government launched a round of grants for eligible small to medium businesses, including employing and non-employing businesses impacted by May-June 2021 restrictions in Victoria.Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two - July ExtensionThe Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two July Extension provides eligible businesses that had not previously applied for the Program in June, or have since become eligible, with the opportunity to apply for $4800 in support.Business Costs Assistance Program Round Three - 12 August 2021 Top-Up for metropolitan MelbourneAdditional payment for businesses based in metropolitan Melbourne that were recipients of the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two or the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two July Extension grant.Business Costs Assistance Program Round ThreeOn Friday 6 August 2021, the Victorian Government announced an additional automatic payment for successful recipients of the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two and the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two July Extension.Business Continuity FundThe Business Continuity Fund supports businesses in 24 sectors that were affected by additional capacity limits when reopening in late July 2021 under COVID-19 restrictions.21 July 2021 Top-Up PaymentOn Wednesday 21 July 2021, the Victorian Government announced another top-up payment for successful recipients of the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two and the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021.16 July 2021 Top-Up PaymentThe Victorian Government announced a further top-up payment for successful recipients of the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two and the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021.Business recovery and resilience mentoringThe Victorian Government and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) pair up to deliver a business mentoring program to help small businesses navigate the economic challenges posed by restrictions to help slow the spread of COVID-19.COVIDSafe Deep Cleaning RebateRebates to help businesses cover the cost of cleaning after closing a worksite due to a suspected or confirmed coronavirus (COVID?19) case.Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Victorian Small BusinessesProviding mental health support to Victorians dealing with the challenges of running a small business to help them navigate through the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19).Circuit Breaker Business Support PackagePackage to assist small to medium businesses and sole traders, under the circuit breaker restrictions announced on 27 May 2021.Partners in Wellbeing helplineA confidential, one-on-one service providing support for small business owners and employees through trained wellbeing coaches, financial counsellors and business advisors. Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme will alleviate financial hardship faced by tenants and landlords as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. QUEENSLAND Support available2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants for lockdown-impacted businesses in QueenslandSuccessful applicants will receive the total value of the boosted grants ranging from $10,000 to $30,000 depending on the size of your annual payroll. Applications close 16 November 2021.2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants - non-employing sole tradersUnder the joint Queensland and Australian Government package, a $1,000 one-off grant to non-employing sole traders across Queensland has been announced.2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants for employing businessesEligibility requires: a turnover of more than $75,000 per annum and an annual payroll in Queensland of less than $1.3 million; been impacted by the South East Queensland lockdown starting 31 July 2021 or the Cairns and Yarrabah lockdown starting 8 August 2021 or any other Queensland lockdown in August 2021.Coronavirus (COVID-19) business assistance finderUse this tool to discover what support is available from the Queensland and Australian governments, plus Queensland local councils.Queensland COVID-19 cleaning rebateCovers up to 80% of professional cleaning expenses, capped at $10,000 (excluding GST) per incident, where a business is identified as a COVID-19 exposure site by Queensland Health. ACT Support availableCOVID-19 Business Support GrantsDeliver support of up to $10,000 for employing businesses and up to $4,000 for non-employing businesses over the three-week lockdown period where those businesses' turnover has declined by 30 per cent or more as a result of the COVID-19 health restrictions.COVID-19 Small Business Hardship Scheme - up to $10,000Eligible small businesses will soon be able to apply to the ACT Government to receive credits for payroll tax, utility charges, rates and other selected fees and charges up to a maximum of $10,000 per operator. To be eligible for credits the applicant must be able to demonstrate 30 per cent loss in revenue.COVID-19 Disaster PaymentEmployees who are unable to earn an income during the lockdown may be able to access the Commonwealth Government’s COVID-19 Disaster Payment. Payment amounts will vary from $200 to up to $750 depending on the hours of work lost during the lockdown and other eligibility criteria. SOUTH AUSTRALIA Support availableBusiness Support PackageThe Business Support Grant of $3,000 will be available to eligible small and medium businesses that suffer significant loss of income due to the lockdown, and $1,000 to eligible sole traders.The COVID-19 Disaster PaymentProvides financial Support for South Australians who were unable to work due to the public health order restrictions from 21 July to 27 July 2021.SA Health mental health supportFree resources are available for anyone feeling overwhelmed or needing additional support during the COVID-19 pandemic.COVID-19 Business Support Grant - July 2021Supporting small and medium-sized businesses that suffered a significant loss of income or have been forced to close as a result of the restrictions imposed from 20 July 2021.COVID-19 Additional Business Support GrantThe COVID-1...
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Vic businesses get $400m in new support
Further hardship funds will be made available to eligible businesses that do not qualify for existing programs.
The new package builds on more than $950 million in support grants paid by the Victorian Government since June.
Key elements of the support package include:
- More than 90,000 businesses will be automatically paid a Business Costs Assistance Program Round Three grant of $2,800.
- An additional $54 million will be added to the Small Business COVID Hardship Fund announced last week.
- Eligible businesses that do not qualify for Victorian Government support programs because they are not registered for GST will be eligible for the Commonwealth's COVID-19 Disaster Payment.
Additionally, Victorian businesses that have experienced a loss in turnover of more than 30% during the pandemic are now guaranteed to receive rent reductions through the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme, while separate support will be provided to landlords.
For further information on these programs and other funding streams, visit the Business Victoria website.
Updated information on the current lockdown restrictions for businesses and industry is now available on the Coronavirus website. The Authorised Provider and Authorised Worker List is also available.
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- Coronavirus and workplace laws
- Business closures during Coronavirus
Prime Minister Updates
- CLICK HERE to view the Prime Minister's transcripts and Media Releases on COVID-19.
State and Territory based updates
Economic Response To Coronavirus - Cash flow assistance for businesses summary:
- Assistance around managing cash flow challenges for businesses
- Designed to support small and medium sized businesses
- Cash flow boost intended to keep businesses operating, pay rent, electricity and other bills and retain staff
- The Australian Government to provide up to $100,000 to eligible small and medium sized businesses
- Cash flow boost provides a tax-free payment to employers and is automatically calculated by the Australian Tax Office (ATO). There are no new forms required to be filled out
To read the full fact sheet, CLICK HERE.
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)
- CLICK HERE to view the COVID-19 ACCI Small Business Conditions Survey - Edition 3 Released
- Banks pause small business loan repayments. CLICK HERE to read more
- CLICK HERE to view the ACCI COVID-19 Employer Guide - Edition 3 Released
- CLICK HERE to view the 2nd Edition of ACCI's JobKeeper Payment - Quick Employer Guide
Workplace Assured
- Can you temporarily close and stand down employees without pay? CLICK HERE to read more
- Coronavirus and carer's leave: your top three questions answered. CLICK HERE to read more
Employer's guide to Coronavirus. CLICK HERE to read more
Can you claim workers comp if you have Coronavirus? CLICK HERE to read more
Australian support infolines for further advice regarding COVID-19
Business (Australian Government)
Telephone: 13 28 46
ATO (Australian Tax Office)
Telephone: 1800 806 218
Workplace Assured
Telephone: 1300 575 394
Other useful resources
- Business Victoria website
- Coronavirus relief measures for Victorians can be found on the State Revenue Office Victoria website
- To keep up to date with travel advice, go to the Smart Traveller website
- For all news related to COVID-19 from the World Health Organization (WHO)
- Current advice from the Australian Government Department of Health
- Essential Information from the Australian Government