2016-20 Strategic Plan — Invigorating Promotional Opportunities
The focus of the Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) is on using exhibitions as a platform for member businesses to increase sales, raise their profile, and build an awareness of their role in supporting the delivery of oral healthcare.
The ADX Sydney exhibition and regional trade shows delivered by ADIA are recognized by member businesses as great vehicles to boost sales. The next five years will see ADIA invest in the renewal of these events to maximize returns for members.
Over 2016-20 ADIA's work will be directed towards:
ADIA Strategic Plan Priority 2: Invigorating promotional opportunities
- Cementing the status of ADX Sydney as the nation's premier dental event through the introduction of exciting initiatives that increase visitor attendance.
- Using CPD programs at exhibitions as a vehicle to strengthen the relationship between the industry and profession, plus elevating the profile of these events.
- Utilising exhibitions to showcase the innovative diagnostic and treatment pathways that the dental industry offers dental and oral health professionals.
- Supporting SMEs through dynamic regional trade shows and online promotion.
The work of ADIA in this area is designed to help achieve our vision of an industry that empowers oral health professionals to advance the health and well-being of all Australians.
ADIA provides leadership, strategy, advocacy and support. Our members set our agenda, fund our activities and directly benefit from the results.Further Information
To keep up to date with changes in this area you can subscribe to the Twitter feed @AusDental or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dental.industry. Alternatively, you can contact the Association via email at national.office@adia.org.au or by telephone on 1300 943 094.
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