2016-20 Strategic Plan — Invigorating Financial Sustainability
The focus of Australian Dental Industry Association (ADIA) is on using our sound financial position to invest in new services whilst preserving the Association's long-term financial sustainability.
Sound management of finances over nearly a century has allowed ADIA to deliver exhibitions, business intelligence and offer meeting facilities at a lower cost to members than would otherwise be so.
We will ensure this is the case into the future and, to this end, we will strive to achieve the objectives set out in the 2016-20 ADIA Strategic Plan in the following areas:
ADIA Strategic Plan Priority 5: Invigorating a sustainable organisation
- Achieving a balance between revenue sources to ensure financial sustainability.
- Developing financial plans that provide short-term flexibility and long-term sustainability when considering how to best deploy members' funds.
- Restructuring ADIA's strong balance sheet so as to support delivery of new and improved member services through efficient operations and new infrastructure.
- Reinvesting funds into research and initiatives that will help grow the market for dental products over the long term.
The work of ADIA in this area is designed to help achieve our vision of an industry that empowers oral health professionals to advance the health and well-being of all Australians.
ADIA provides leadership, strategy, advocacy and support. Our members set our agenda, funded our activities and directly benefit from the results.Further Information
To keep up to date with changes in this area you can subscribe to the Twitter feed @AusDental or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dental.industry. Alternatively, you can contact the Association via email at national.office@adia.org.au or by telephone on 1300 943 094.
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